About Me

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My name is Aaron liffen and this is my blog in order to show the development, progression and creation of a music video i will be hoping to complete throughout the weeks. I will be regualry updating my blog with the latest news on my prgression invisiualy and as a group member. I will be showing my research and will be explaining the ways in which it has benefited me, as well as showing te gain of knoweledge of not only the processes of creating a successful musc video, but als knowledge gained about he music industry as a whole.


As a group got together in order to complete a detailed story board in order to have a very clear idea for when we film, so we had a thorough idea of whatwere going ti film. The song that we chose is very up-beat so we feel we need to make many cuts at a high tempo/pace and show a variety or shots in our work as well as getting a idea of the timings and how much footage we will need to film.

We looked at other music videos for inspiration but we felt that our own ideas will be more suitable for our song choice as it also allowed us freedom to experiment with our own ideas and connotations of what the song meant to us, and how we could display that through the video.

Completing a story board sheet before filming, I believe to be clearly very beneficial for the group and the video in terms of preperation. By creating the story board we will know exactly what we are doing when filming, shot by shot etc. Also having the story board in hand when filming is helpful in the way that it will give usa organized schedule/ time and on top of everything, we can mark off what shots we have done and what shots we still need to do.

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