About Me

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My name is Aaron liffen and this is my blog in order to show the development, progression and creation of a music video i will be hoping to complete throughout the weeks. I will be regualry updating my blog with the latest news on my prgression invisiualy and as a group member. I will be showing my research and will be explaining the ways in which it has benefited me, as well as showing te gain of knoweledge of not only the processes of creating a successful musc video, but als knowledge gained about he music industry as a whole.

Prelim Task (lip sync)

For our preliminary task we filmed a varitey of shots to practice for our final piece and I feel as if it was a success however improvments can still be made. We used Final Cut to edit our filming and we all had a go at the software to get used to it and get a feel for what we would need to be doing as a group for our final peice.

We added the music to the video by importing it to Final Cut and it was easy enough to work out by our selves without any problems caused my importing etc. We then had to do the more complex part which was alining the sound to sync with our mouths/ movements to make it look real, after a bit of work we got it to look as realistic as possible.

During the filming we knew we had to actually sing the words out loud as we felt otherwise once finsihed it would not look realistic, so we did. We can see that it looks respectably realistic so we will use this technique in our final filming.

Overall we got a positive response from our prelim task, getting around 1000 veiws on youtube, clearly displaying it was a good attempt at a lip sync, with ofcourse its comedic values.

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