About Me

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My name is Aaron liffen and this is my blog in order to show the development, progression and creation of a music video i will be hoping to complete throughout the weeks. I will be regualry updating my blog with the latest news on my prgression invisiualy and as a group member. I will be showing my research and will be explaining the ways in which it has benefited me, as well as showing te gain of knoweledge of not only the processes of creating a successful musc video, but als knowledge gained about he music industry as a whole.

Finished Version of practice album cover

Creating a Album cover

This is my first attempt at creating a album cover. I used my star model Kid Cudi as the model for my attempt/ practice.
I used ROCNATION and the Parental Advisory symbols to make it look realistic.
I felt that the album is a bit plain and could do with more exciting colours.
I believe that the artist should be the dominant feature of the cover as the artist is supposed to be the most important part of the music, staying away from the commercialization to a point where fans can focus on the artist, however this isnot to say promotional techniques such as product affiliation should not be used, as it can in some cases benefit the artists promotion of a album.

You have to keep the customer in mind when creating the cover and making an attractive cover is key for the customer as they will not pick it up unless it is well advertised or attractive.


Editing our music video was the most challenging part of our music video as many people would find when using a new software for the first time. We took more shots than needed when filming so we had options when editing, also gave us freedome to experiment with angles and cross cuttng with angles/scenes. Keeping to the beat with your edits we found is a very important factor as not doing so will make the video look out of place and have no real flow, effecting not only the video clarity but also the narrative. We have also attempted to keep the lyrics in sync with the actions of the artist, just to add to the effect of the narrative and give it a more thoughtful/professinal feel.

When it come to getting used to software in this case Final Cut Express it takes some dedication and time in learning how use and experiment with the software. As a group we have spent a lot of time on Final Cut so that we were ready to edit our music video to the best of our ability. We have found many useful effects that we have used in our peice however look not to over use effect as this would not show our real skill or potential of what we are able to do on final cut.

Artist Website

I decided to create a website for the Artist that we have made. I have chosen to use MySpace as my form of web page in his case, due toits mass use across the world, its accessbility for fans, and its endless ways to interact with fans.
Doing this will require me to have photos of the artist and a theme for the artists page. We have created a'bad boy' image for our artist yet to give him a sense of fame and status i must bare in mind how i put across the artist in the way i design the website down to minor factors such as colour schemes.
For an artist to gain further recognition from fans, they will need a website or a web page. MySpace, Facebook or any social networking website will be suitable; or perhaps even a whole new site for the artist, this is the case with many worldwide artist however it is clear that these social networks prove to be moe beneficial in terms of promotion of the artist. Many artists use Myspace as you can upload photos, videos and music to share with fans.